Who Is She?

Hello friends of the www and welcome. My name's Sophie Chapman. I'm 23, my Mum calls me Snowy, Snowdrop or cheeky, my friends call me Chappers or on the phone, and the majority of people call me a really nice girl but only in small doses. If that's the case you'll probably stop reading after this first paragraph, otherwise I imagine you'll read on and see why they think I've got too much to say......then you'll stop and overall this blog will be an (idon'tknowhowtodohashtagsonamacbutthereshouldbeahashtaghere) epicfail!

Although originally from London, Euston to be precise (not the station but close), I will be buried in Liverpool, Fazakerley to be precise (not the station but close) as my nearest and dearest all hail from here. Until I was 17, I begged and begged to move to Scouseland because I wanted a garden, white people and to watch football in our pub but a combination of Colleen Rooney on X Factor and Liverpool's shocking football season ruined the dream. No truly, I love Liverpool, I cry every time I leave but having mixed race cousins is well 2011 so I can handle this life that is London.

A frustrated little Scockney (half LDN, half LPL, see geddit), I am trying to be an actress and when I'm lucky I do voice-overs......'WHEN I'm lucky' being the key part of the sentence, and not the bit that says 'voiceovers.' My CV is quite possibly the only thing that Playboy and Hannah Montana have in common but I'm still a baby in the game. I'm currently developing my showreel so that my agents don't drop me. Personal plug, for work enquiries, please contact: www.emmaengersassociates.com (Acting) or www.anothertongue.com (Voice-Overs)

I studied 'Entertainment Management' at the Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts. I liked the entertainment part of it a bit too much, the fact I did my dissertation on nightclubs kinda says it all. To be honest I was probably one of the cleverest in the class but I never cracked on because 'Fresher's Year' was on 3 times while I was there and I was busy.

I've not yet found the job I quite want. I've verged on the dream roles a few times but bouts of bad luck and maybe bad talent, has made me a dole superstar in many jobseeker offices.

I hope you enjoy a little insight into the world that is Chappers, feel free to contribute, object - mi chatter es tu chatter. I'm not making any promises with this little project, I'm simply having a go and if you don't like.....erm just go and read someone else's blog, I've not called this FaceNotFussed for nothing. Take it easy and thank-you x

Saturday 12 February 2011

On The Way To The Shop.....

Hello FNF Family, 

To start, sorry it's been a while, I didn't call, I didn't write, I didn't even visit this site to up my viewer stats - did you think I was dead? I'm not (clearly).

                  *NB If I die instantly, note the following funeral requirements:
  • Cry a little bit but don't be sad, I'll cope with heaven more than most.
  • If I've ever fallen out with you, don't feel guilty, I never hold harsh feelings.
  • I want my funeral to be held in 'Newz' in Liverpool. The only +side of dying young is that you have a busy funeral......so nightclub, DJ and walk of shames please.
  • Sunglasses are allowed if it's a sunny day. It's just me smiling down on you. 
  • Never let my Mum sleep home alone - I know she won't like it.     
  • People will probably only start reading this if I die, so please make sure my secret daughter knows. Her names Miami, please Tweet her, dissuade her from drugs and tell her she can have my laptop.                   

Right will done - are you all OK? 

The last few weeks have been spent stimulating the creative juices, guess its ironic my blog writing got abandoned like a mistake baby, but I've been in full swing rehearsing for a comedy I'm involved in. Its working title is quite simply 'On The Way To The Shop' and I play a part called Chris. 

                 REMINDER - Things I need to buy when I go to the shop next:
  • Deodorant
  • Toe-nail clippers (lost mine last week so don't want my feet turning into Pringles)
  • Lightbulbs
  • Oyster card top-up
  • Ticket to watch my talented latino friend Michele (www.twitter.com/miggy_musician) sing at the Bar Music Hall tomorrow night (13/02/11).
To be honest, the character's not too distance from real-life me so the biggest ambition with this is to not completely transform, but make you laugh along with the great cast and crew involved. And if we don't make you smile, its pretty fair to say we had 'a ball along the way' (you can quote that at my funeral too...;)). 

I'm not gonna discuss the plot yet, its not my baby to give the secrets away, and if I talk  about character development and subtext etc. I'll borderline on that pratty actor type talk. I love people passionate about their craft, but I come across that stereotypical w***y thesp chat a lot and I can't stand it....'I wanna be an actor so I have to constantly discuss Brando (not cool to mention forename) but not talk about The Godfather because that's cliche and quote 'On The Waterfront' instead!' Phew.....that was a long sentence to say all at once.....clearly I never went to RADA to learn to breathe (I did actually.... well the youth group and it was boring!) 

Back to film talk.....On violin (yep I said violin), there is the HA-Maaaaayzingly talented and definite niche in the market Mr. Adaggio (www.twitter.com/mradaggio1). I think the link below is pretty much self-explanatory:

He's got skills right and if you would like to see more of him......well you're gonna have to watch our film then hehe ;) x  

We were introduced at my favourite Brick Lane haunt, The Brick House, by the too-funny-to-cuss-or-he'll-kill-you-off Jamie Howard (www.twitter.com/jamiehowardhaha) at his even funnier comedy night 'Laughing Boy.' It's my favourite monthly, a gym workout as my abs hurt from laughing and a true hub of legitimate emerging talent. Ed Sheeran's a regular.....


and we all know she's gonna get her BRIT Jessie J jammed there just before Christmas.....


The next LAUGHING BOY is 21st Feb 2011 and I can't wait!! 
Continuing the ginger theme prompted by the Ed (is ledge) Sheeran talk, I met his ginger counterpart last week too, another asset to 'Project Shop Film.' Well not quite twin but gingers are like Chinese people - they all look the same (kidding). See I plan to ride off the back of all these talented people in this project to make up for everything I lack. I thought I was good for being able to say: BUDUDUDUUDUDUDUDUDUDUDDAAADDAAAA...... (POW 2011 - Lethal B).....erm until I met him, Mr Intensi T:


So its been long hours, late nights and friends telling me I've become boring - but SO much fun. The actor's hustle is tough but so what, what isn't a difficult graft these days? Milk the recession kids....its likely a lot of us wil be unemployed regardless and I'm a big believer that we (I mean you too) attempt our dreams, whatever they are. I've begun this blog to help initiate diverse experiences from 2011 onwards, to colour my conversation and to kill routine. Do the same!! OK so now I don't sound like a RADA pratt, but a member of Glee, not sure what's worse but whatever..... Don't STOP belieeeeeeevvvvvvinnnnng!

            This week I LOVE:
  • That I have a casting. Wish me luck. 
  • The gold wall I painted in my house.
  • This Valentine's poem:

            I WISH I WAS A BAR OF SOAP
            I'D GIVE IT A LITTLE RUB

           This week I HATE:
  • Having to turn down guaranteed voice-over work for ITV due to a time clash :(. 
  • The gold wall I painted in my house. I changed my mind. 
Working with the 'Switch Da Script' production has been a humbling and organic experience which I hope to share with you soon. so if my funeral plans flop, at least you can say 'Ah remember that girl that wasn't funny in that shop film.' Essentially, t's not funerals we should be discussing but making the memories that lead up to when the big man (God, Jew God, Hindu God, whatever your religion is-God) tells us it's bedtime (Heaven, re-incarnation, Hell if you . 

Before I go, a friend of mine is writing her MA dissertation and she's exploring perception of the dancer's physique. I've created a survey on the side of the page to help her research - your contributions would be appreciated, feel free to throw a comment on if there's anything you want to add. Thanks x

And that's all I have to say really....please feel good this weekend and I hope you don't feel patronised by my attempt at positivity. So from yours truly, that's a goodbye, a peace out, and a Sayonara (1957 4 x Oscar-winning film starring Brando ;)). 

Oooh and Happy Valentines, lots of love from ?????........only me ;) xxx 

Sunday 23 January 2011

My New Boyfriend and 5 Words After Sex

Hello people I've paid to read this, hope you're having lovely weekends and if not, don't let it happen twice. 

So it's my second date with 'The Blog.'.......we haven't been anywhere together yet but I like him lots; we share thoughts, my lot have said he's cool and he's on my mind more than most things. Now I've reached the stage where I'd like to show him some more, not bare all exactly, but spice it up without the cheap stunts or killing the mystery - not how I'd usually approach a second date (I've never even approached a first) but you get my drift. 
     In short, I'm trying to figure what I wanna burden on 'Face Not Fussed' enthusiasts without talking about myself too much (which is happening already) or about talking about others too much. I know you'll probably listen more if I were to quote lame to fames but this isn't Twitter.

Talking of Twitter, '5 words after sex' trended last night.....
  • 'Sarrry......usually bleed next week.'
  • 'You said Jessica, I'm Sophie.'
  • 'Thought we were just spooning.'
  • 'Thanks babe, take these wristbands.'
  • 'I think I've been raped.'
  • 'Your Facebook t***s are better.'
  • 'Finish myself off, shall 1?'
  • 'Yoga's good for toning abs.'
  • 'You said you're a virgin.'
  • 'Did you cum, I never.'
  • 'That peppermint lick blistered me.'
  • 'That should start the contractions.'
  • 'When's she back from Spain?'
  • 'Didn't know you were Jewish?'
  • 'Fool, blaming it on latex!
What I do know however, is the reason I've started to blog, is this: 

On New Years Eve.....I was sick, in my bed. This picture and drink receipts are the only evidence of my start to 2011. Similar to probably 157 days of 2010,  I lost 24 hours of life (time it took to recover),  lost maybe a twelfth of my liver (the yellow lumps in the vomit upstairs) and gained a swear word amount of calories ('Sophie, haven't you put weight on over Christmas?').....

In a nutshell, I go out a lot and more often than not end up in silly memory-loss, probably vulnerable situations. To be honest, they would make for a blog of legend but that's not the point. I'm 23, a Leo, but there's only so many lives a big cat can have. Apparently (apparently) I told Jason DeRulo that he wasn't Jason DeRulo despite singing to him 'Jaaasssonn De Rulo' in a club where apparently (apparently) Jason De Rulo was at. That's not cool, but neither is mentioning Jason De Rulo when I said I wouldn't name drop - it's cool though, I'm still positive I've never met him. 

Sooooooooo.....for 2011, I have decided to kill two birds with one stone and.....

.....save time by drinking and raving at the same time.

No n-n-no, real talk. Despite a friend (Emily at www.mobmanagement.co.uk) recommending me to review clubs, this creative / cathartic / God that girl's an idiot style of writing, is intended to provide a different focus to the New Year. I like theatre, live music, creative writing and not-for-nonces aspects of culture which I plan to enhance by doing this. 

Ideally, I'm aiming to be a good girlfriend to 'The Blog,' send him naughty messages and love him tri-daily (fortnightly after the Honeymoon period) but more importantly, I welcome you all to come with on my little ramble. Your constructive criticism, unjustified abuse, praise or backstabbing will all be welcomed to improve this master plan. In the next few posts, I want this to take a more creative stance.....to feature interviews, videos, heated debate, preferably with (but not limited to) an arts / media emphasis - do feel free to become involved. Right, that really is enough about me now, but moral of this post is, don't stick to what's safe..... like I said, I hope you've had a good weekend, if not don't let it happen twice.  

CHANGE IS GOOD - the familiar face in the video tributes this.......wow I'm so glad you went solo!! 

Till next time....xxx 

Friday 21 January 2011

Before I start.......

OK, so teething problems already! My Youtube videos below were meant to synchronise with the stuff I've written about so far.....so Toys R'Us, Channel 4 and JLS!! But instead......I have pornos linked to my 'Joys Of Teen Sex' survey (cough, answer please ;)), so all in all a wonderful first impression. Enough naughty talk until you know me better - this is only my blog virginity we're taking right now. 

OK let's begin......well tomorrow, I'm tired so I'm going to go to sleep. X